This is how we made Furlenco app clone in just 4 day’s

Kalpesh dhupia
3 min readFeb 9, 2021

Before I start my blog writing on the clone of FurlencoApp, I want to thank Masai School for this great opportunity and for providing this spectacular platform where lot of enthusiastic developers are learning and becoming the job ready skilled employee.

To be honest I never knew I’ll be able to make the app in just 4 days on the basis of what I learnt in few weeks of Masai School 9–6–6 program, But Masai made this happen.

After second Unit of our android course Masai School team gave us a second project on furlenco app followed by individual group of 3 students.

So what is basically Furlenco app and why people use it ?

Furlenco app is basically a furniture renting app which rents from a fully furnished home to a small table. They are currently working in 8 major cities of India.

From where did we start project?

So we first made Repository on GitHub for proper flow of project and that we can push, pull and merge our individual work. Then one of us sent collaboration invitation to other group members and other cloned it inside the project folder of system using Git Bash .

Following are the steps how we created clone and what features we used inside it.

Features used in whole projects are-

  • Linear vertical layout
  • Drawable-start inside Editext
  • Google, Facebook and chats vectors from Flat Icons.
  • Relative Layout
  • TextView, ImageButtons, Intent Filters. CardView, ScrollView, Image View.
  • API
  • Recycler Views
  • Fragments and View Pager
  • Resources -
  1. Strings
  2. Styles
  3. Colors
  4. Dimensions
  5. Themes
  6. Constraint Layout
  7. Drawable Image
  8. Different vectors like Facebook, Google, Chat,Person
  9. Check Box from attributes
  10. Different founts like callibry and other Latin fonts

What I learnt during this construct week

  1. How to use GitHub and how to collab with group mates.
  2. I learnt how to debug our code.
  3. How to work and communicate with a team.
  4. How to give proper naming conventions so that any person who reads a code will understand it.
  5. How to be more efficient and productive at a same time.
  6. Different attributes in android studio.


As it’s really challenging but, my team and I made this happen just because our unity and continues dedication for our project and only goal of coming 1st in presentation and in a blog writing. Even though my team mates and I are from non tech background We gave our best and came out with this beautiful app.

